Examples for my Classes

The below pieces are examples of work that I have created for my classes, or for teaching demo's.

The below piece is an example from my Compositing class.  It is both an in-class demo, and a homework assignment.  Students made a procedural sun in After Effects during class.  For homework, I provided them with a pre-rendered spaceship that I created in Maya using the Arnold render engine.  The students then had to composite the pre-rendered ship into the procedural sun scene.  They could change the colors of the sun, and ship, and they had to add a glow or drive trail to the ship as well.  They could also add any other effects they wanted, like stars, explosions, particle effects, etc.
The video below is an example of a 2.5D layout, or a layout scene containing Parallax. I created this as an example for my Background, Design, and Layout classes. I also demo'd how it was created.

This Earth piece was created for an Open House demo.  I wanted to show potential students work done in Maya, PhotoShop and After Effects, since I was presenting to potential Media Arts and Animation, Game Art and Design and Visual Effects and Motion Graphics students.  I will also be showing a more in depth demo of how I created the planet Earth in future classes.
Earth Project from Mayet Andreassen on Vimeo.

The next example is from my 3D Visual Effects class.  I found that students came into this class with a wide variation of skill sets.  Some were fairly advanced while others were still fairly new to navigating their way around a 3D environment.  I needed a way to asses all of the students skills fairly quickly and so I made their first major project in the class involve creating barrels and hand texturing them.  Since a barrel is such a simple item to model, and something found in many game environments, I found it to be a good gauge of students abilities. The below renders are my examples that I created and show the students. The lighting is simple 3 point lighting.  I show them examples of both rusty metal barrels and of wooden barrels because they are not limited to one or the other.

This next example is from my 3D Character Rigging class.  This is the advanced rigging class for the Game Art students.  The model is by Isaac Oster. I have the students fully rig a model and then show it's capabilities.  Because not all students own their own computers, not all students can download software that records their workspace.  Because of this I allow playblasts of the rig breakdown and the below example uses a playblast for the breakdown as an example to the students.

FINAL_RIG_RF from Mayet Andreassen on Vimeo.

This example is a composite done for the Compositing class I taught a few years back.  The students had to shoot footage of themselves and create a "twin" and composite it together using After Effects.  This is the example I created for my class:
MayetTwinCompFINAL from Mayet Andreassen on Vimeo.